Friday, 23 December 2011

Probably Last Forage Of The Year - 22nd December 2011

It's time to get the holly and mistletoe for Christmas. First up to the woods for holly. As anticipated, there are plenty of berries this year. It's been very mild, so I assume the birds have other food sources still and haven't eaten all the berries. Anyhow, I got a few sprigs.

Next down to my local fields for the mistletoe. On the way I passed the patch of Field Blewits that always arrive late in the year. This time in an almost perfect fairy circle! So, I stepped inside and made a wish :) It struck me that they would be good in some sort of stuffing. So that's a plan for next year. Just need to find a recipe that has mushrooms in it and substitute the blue limbs.

Loads of mistletoe as usual, so it didn't take long to gather a few sprigs.

Back home to distribute my goodies to the family.