Friday 11 October 2013

Horse Mushrooms On Cleeve Hill

I visited Cleeve Hill again after my success there a week or so ago. I followed the same route and this time there were some beautiful Horse Mushrooms. A large variety of field mushroom. Some had got very large, but had gone over. Also there were left overs of large puffballs. I'm not sure if they were the giant puffball variety as they didn't look big enough.

The Horse Mushrooms went very well with my scampi and chips!

Friday 4 October 2013

Fungi and Wild Boar in The Forest of Dean

I thought there may be some good fungi in The Forest of Dean. I've found some nice Chanterelles there before.

There were very few fungi. The most interesting I found was a False Death Cap. Presumably related to The Death Cap which as it's name suggests is deadly poisonous.

All my spots where I had found chanterelles before had been rooted up by wild boar. In fact, everywhere I went had been rooted up by wild boar. This may affect the fungi and they probably eat them anyway.

On the way back to the car I was walking along a forest cycle track not far from Cannop Ponds and I saw these!

A sow and her young one. They were hiding in the bushes along a busy forest cycle track but came out after I passed. They were after apples dropped from a crab apple tree. They must be getting used to humans!

Wild Field Mushrooms On Cleeve Hill

I took a trip to Cleeve Hill to see if there were any mushrooms around after the damp weather. They can be difficult to spot as there are many puffballs (and golfballs!) to fool you when searching.

First I found a nice fairy ring of puffballs.

I carried on my normal route towards the radio masts, but all I found were puffballs.

I decided to take a different route than normal back to the car. Good job I did as I came across these nice wild field mushrooms.

25 in all. My best haul ever from Cleeve Hill.