Sunday, 6 November 2011

A walk around my local fields. 6th November 2011

I had seen some blackberries last week so I went back to my local fields to gather some. I didn't know they lasted until November. Maybe it's the mild weather we have been having. I picked enough for my apple and blackberry crumble. That will be the last for this year I expect. A strange man walking his dog told me that if you pick them after Halloween, they have the devil in them! You meet all sorts :)

The other reason for this trip is to check out how the Blue Limbs (Blue Legs or Field Blewit) are doing. Last year I had some on the 3rd November. Well, they have come up. So I gathered a few for my tea. They come up in quite a large ring here, but have only come up on one side so far. A great late season mushroom and one of the best eating. You can see the distinctive blue/purple coloured stem where it gets it's name from on the 2nd photo.

I checked the mistletoe and it already has berries! I wonder when they first appear. At least in October. Must check earlier next year.That was it. Mission accomplished.

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