Monday 1 August 2011

Swindon Village Fields

Over to Swindon Village today for a short walk around the fields. Before I went through the gate onto the first field, I checked out the plum trees on a piece of community land near the pavement. I knew they were there as I have picked plums from them before. A reasonable crop this year, but not as heavy as last year. I expect they have  a rest some years.

As I walked along the edge of the field, I started to see the sloes. They are a bit patchy this year, but plenty there if you want to pick a batch for making sloe gin.

A bit further on I spied some crab apples. Apart from crab apple jelly, I don't know what you can make from these. You need a lot of sugar as they are very sour. Perhaps I'll look it up in John Wright's book.

I carried on on the path where I have had Horse Mushrooms before. Nothing at the moment, but it is very dry. I got to the field known as "the mushroom field" and disaster! The farmer has ploughed it up and planted maize!

I did find some Fat Hen growing on the edge of the field. I'll go back and get some one day when my spinach has finished in the garden.

I carried on back to where I know there are some more wild plum (or damson)  trees. They have a reasonable crop this year but not as good as in the past. Enough for me to make my damson gin though.

Almost back to the car and I saw the leaves of wild horseradish. These plants have been here for years as I used to dig a root up with my dad when we lived at Swindon Village.

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