Thursday 18 August 2011

A walk over Cleeve Hll

17th August 2011: Off over Cleeve Hill again. We have had a couple of small showers in the past two days, so I'm hoping the mushrooms will have appeared. I took my usual route up the side of the golf course and up to the trig point. No mushrooms! Not even a puffball! Took some photos of the view over to the Malverns for a stitched panorama. Also a shot of the trig point and the Millennium Point marker.

Now over to the radio masts, crossing the Iron Age fortifications (ditch) first.

This is a popular spot for kite boarding and there was a chap with his board and kite, except the board was a flashy three wheeled device, a bit like a small sand yacht.

Across to the dew pond. (Still no fungi)

Now down to the Cotswold Way. I found some mushrooms there last time, but nothing this time. I decided to take a different route back in case I should see anything interesting. Bingo! Some small mushrooms! Not enough to warrant picking though.

I headed past a fenced off part of the common. Inside was a large amount of heather. I expect it has been fenced off to allow the heather to re-generate, as the sheep eat practically everything. (including the mushrooms!)

A ranger told me that these Black Galloway cattle had been put out to graze the common to allow wild flowers to grow. There seems to be plenty of Harebells.

I carried on across one of the golf fairways and came across a huge badger sett. It looked in use as there was used bedding in front of one of the holes. That's what I like about walks. You nearly always see something interesting.


I took the track which led back to the car park and saw these meteorites! Or are they meteorwrongs :)


Back to the car now and a view down the valley.

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